7 Fresh Ways to Use Journaling to Tap Your Creative Genius as a Writer

Crowne Plaza Warwick - Bristol A Room

Writers need to make our work fresh and alive to engage our readers and create our best work. Journaling is one of the easiest, fastest and best catalysts for connecting with your authentic self and your creative genius in its many forms – whether tapping into your deepest wisdom, bringing a scene or story to life or evoking deep belly laughter. And when the well seems to run dry? Journaling to the rescue. In this presentation, Lisa Tener, acclaimed book coach and author, will take us through seven methods for tapping into your journals for hot material, even if you are not currently journaling. Learn Lisa’s absolute favorite strategy for generating new material and the surprising method numerous successful authors use for starting chapters in unexpected ways. Lisa’s is known for her experiential style, so prepare to put these hot techniques into action, add sparkle to current projects, generate new ideas and take your work in serendipitous directions. 

Individual Presentations