Author Spotlight: David Orsini

As a reader, I have always bonded with novels and short stories to learn more about myself and about other human beings. Through these novels and stories, I have met human beings whose lives change because of what they have done or what they have not done. I have also learned about the world that offers these human beings many promises, challenges, and rewards and that sometimes betrays them. As a writer, I have offered my readers a view of that world and of the human beings who, like themselves, accept its challenges and rewards and endure despite its betrayals. Through the novels and stories that I create, I am not only a writer. I am also a teacher.

I am a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Brown University, with degrees that include a Ph.D. in English Literature. For many years, I taught literature, grammar, and composition in Cranston High School East and in Park View Middle School in Rhode Island. I have happy memories of that cycle in my life. I continue to teach through my novels and my short stories. Young and older readers have enjoyed meeting the characters in my books and connecting to their compelling lives.

I have written six novels, a collection of stories, and a novella.

I write literary fiction. Two of my novels (THE WOMAN WHO LOVED TOO WELL and THE GHOST LOVERS) find their tension and their surprise in World War Two romantic triangles. SCHEMES, DISGUISES, & TRAPS is anchored to suspenseful noir fiction. THE WEAVER OF PLOTS centers upon a woman’s revenge against the man who betrayed her. VANISHING BY DEGREES is a teen/adult crossover novel that melds the supernatural and the realistic. In my novella THE SUBTLETIES OF SEDUCTION, a boat race on Newport, Rhode Island waters during the summer of 1920 initiates a scenario of scandal, malice, and duplicity. BITTERNESS/SEVEN STORIES explores the lives of characters that are tested as well as transformed or defeated by the loss of a spouse or children and other relatives during a world war. Some of the characters are tested by the aftermath of a fatal air crash, by terminal illness, and by unrequited love.

As a teacher and a writer, I am especially pleased that the Study Guide Edition of VANISHING BY DEGREES is scheduled to become a part of the tenth-grade language arts curriculum in well-rated Cranston High School West.

Recently, I have completed my sixth novel, THE REAPPEARING. It is a novel about transformation and about reappearing to oneself as somebody renewed, restored, and different. The novel will be published in 2021.

For more information about my books, including chapter excerpts, reviews, and videos, visit



The Woman Who Loved Too Well – “The novel maintains an elegant balance of World War II spy thriller and romance in the best tradition of Ken Follett. David Orsini’s precise knowledge of history is equaled only by his command of storytelling.” – Jon Land, USA Today bestselling author of The Caitlin Strong Series

The Ghost Lovers – “Like other fiction by David Orsini, The Ghost Lovers is wonderfully written and crafted with a strong, dramatic plot; unforgettable characters who are haunted by the ghosts of the past; and a setting of natural beauty that is often in stark contrast to the violence and brutality of battle in war-torn Europe. The Ghost Lovers is a fast-paced and fascinating thriller that keeps the reader engrossed to the last line.” – Lois A. Cuddy, Emerita Professor at University of Rhode Island and Author
of Penelope’s Song

The Subtleties of Seduction – “This novella speaks to a feeling of uncertainty, alienation, and even rebellion that is very much of this moment. In its joining of past and present sensibilities, The Subtleties of Seduction stakes its claim as a work of enduring fiction.”- Bernhard H. Kuhn, Associate Professor at Union College and Author of Autobiography and Natural Science: Rousseau, Goethe, Thoreau

Bitterness / Seven Stories – “…an auspicious literary artist’s debut…Throughout the stories there resonates a rich framework of philosophical probing, mystical appreciation, psychological analysis, and sensual exploration…Each story can stand alone, complete and fulfilling…a highly satisfying experience for the contemporary reader.”- Ben W. McClelland, Emeritus Professor at University of Mississippi and Author of A Soldier’s Son

Vanishing by Degrees – “A FIVE-STAR NOVEL – A fast-paced and riveting story of betrayal, revenge, and tragedy! This excellent novel speaks to the uneasy spirit of our times. VANISHING BY DEGREES portrays teens as troubled, self-centered, and destructive. It also shows them to be brave, self-sacrificing, and loyal. The twists and the surprises kept me guessing all the way to the end. David Orsini creates female characters that are self-possessed, courageous, and lifesaving. He also offers us insightful appraisals of the male characters. I loved this book! I recommend it wholeheartedly! A+”

–Mary Ellen Powers / Providence College Graduate & Religious Education Teacher

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Meet me via ZOOM: 5 December 2020, 1-1:45 PM, RI Author Expo 2020.