Author Spotlight: Pat Hinkley

Chasing Sleep

Like millions of Americans, do you suffer from sleeplessness? Do you struggle to understand why you can’t sleep? What if everything you know about sleep is wrong?
Chasing Sleep is an exploration of the issues and challenges surrounding sleep deprivation and how to overcome them by changing attitudes and behaviors. Written in an inviting, conversational style, the book focuses on how to find peace of mind, the real
secret to overcoming sleeplessness. Through research on the history and science of sleep, interviews with ordinary people on their struggles with lack of sleep, and the author’s training as a holistic psychotherapist, Chasing Sleepaims to change the
conversation from the ‘pop a pill’ mentality to finding balance and clarity, key elements for living the best life possible.

Waking up one night for the eight hundred billionth time inspired my writing about sleep. I learned a lot. Perhaps you will benefit from my unique look, where sleeplessness becomes not a disease to be fixed by traditional pharmaceutical methods, but something to identify, manage and work to resolve the stressors that take us out of balance. My first book, ClaimingSpace, delves further into how to do so.

Pat Hinkley

Pat Hinkley holds a B.S. in Nursing from the University of Massachusetts and a Master’s degree in Holistic Studies and Psychology from Lesley University. She lives near the ocean in southern Rhode Island with her doodle dog and fluffy gray cat.

Visit to learn more.

Hope to see you on Saturday, December 1 at the RI Author Expo!