I had never thought of myself as a writer; therefore, never thought about writing for publication.
Writing doesn’t come easy for me—reading hasn’t always—but I’m a passionate person who throws my entire self into whatever I do if I believe strongly enough in it. So when the characters from Touch restlessly invaded my head one day with the sole purpose of having their story told, I decided right away that failure was not an option. I first put pen to paper in November of 2005 with no writing experience whatsoever. After what felt like a lifetime of learning the craft, countless ups and downs—to include over seven hundred rejections from literary agents—true blood, sweat, tons of tears, and constantly telling myself that hard work, patience, and persistence usually result in success, I finally published Touch independently in April of 2021.
After such a long and tumultuous journey with these characters, I can wholeheartedly say that I don’t know who I would be without them.
My goal now, while I wait to see if they have more to say, is to create an online space for reader-inspired art: drawings, paintings, photography, journal entries, poems, etcetera (from real-life experiences, Megan-inspired, or imagined), submitted with credit or anonymously, to help show those who may have similar circumstances that they are not alone.